When we hear the word sexy escort, images of sexy escorts in fluffy dresses and hiding their bodies with layers of clothing immediately come to mind. People often think of people in 19th-century England as austere and uptight, but were they like that? The answer is not easy, but it is an interesting one. In some ways, they were just like us. In other ways, we have come a long way in our sex views. There were plenty of sexy escorts, but none of them were hygienic. Hygienic etiquette, which is common practice today, was mostly a matter of luck back then. If you bathed every day, you were probably bordering on obsessive-compulsive. The idea that Victorians were frugal came mainly from their fashion sense; in fact, this was a way to deal with body odor from poor hygiene. The idea is that wearing these layers of clothing will help you control your odor, but there’s not much point in wearing extra layers to control your odor.
No homosexuality or masturbation
Relationships between men were explicitly forbidden and punishable by death, but often with severe prison sentences. Interestingly, many lesbian couples in the city lived openly without any questions, as homosexuality was considered a purely male act, and the idea of a relationship was unimaginable. In the 19th century, masturbation was not a crime, but it was morally frowned upon. Again, this mainly applied to men. It was a socially unacceptable act, so when John Kellogg invented cornflakes to create a food that would suppress the urge to masturbate, an entire industry was born. Cornflakes were not the only invention to prevent men from going alone. There were several Victorian devices designed to prevent men from getting erections in the first place. On the other hand, women were encouraged to masturbate, and many masturbation devices were developed during the same period, as it was believed to treat female mental illnesses and other illnesses that were caused by sexual desire.
Sexy Escorts – Always dress up unless you’re you’re at the beach
If accompanied by a woman, it was common for men to wear many layers unless they went to the beach. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that Victorians started wearing “swimming trunks” when going to the beach, and even then, swimming trunks were considered ostentatious high fashion. The same people who wore layers of clothing and dressed behind partitions had no qualms about giving their husbands next to them a quick peek, so long as they were near a large body of water. The role of the sexy escorts in marriage was confusing at best. Sexy escorts were openly despised, but it was also the only way to produce a petite Victorian, which created quite a problem. Sexy escorts thought that men were sex-driven maniacs who couldn’t control their urges and that it was a woman’s job to protect her feminine parts. In an unfair dilemma, a woman’s value was tied to child-rearing, and she was expected to produce children regularly. So, they were supposed to control their husbands ‘ urges but still let him into the house now and then to keep producing babies. Sexy Escorts That said, prostitution was big business. In a society that despised sexy escorts as much as they did, there was plenty of prostitution going on. In 1857, it was estimated that around 9,000 prostitutes were working in London alone, raising the question of who paid to keep so many prostitutes employed. Even stranger than the fact that prostitution was a major occupation at a time when sexy escorts were not socially acceptable is how widespread prostitution was at a time when syphilis was not under control. Condoms were invented but not as widely used as they are today. Additionally, since treatment for syphilis was still decade’s away, syphilis took its toll on people who participated in risky activities in the middle of the night. As with everything at the time, people denounced the evils of sexy escorts and quickly went to the seediest corners of the city to get one for them. Sexy escorts were openly sold in bookstores until the Obscene Publications Act of 1857 made them illegal. But if history has taught us anything, it’s that prohibition only makes things more expensive, and a rich underground porn market flourished. Not only did people not stop buying and selling printed porn, but they started making porn videos as soon as film was invented in the late 19th century. In many ways, nothing has changed since the arrogant days of the 19th century. Even though everyone does, there are still plenty of people who don’t feel comfortable talking openly about sexy escorts. Fortunately, some of their behaviors are a thing of the past, while others, like the whole nude beach thing, are ones many of us would like to reintroduce. Learning about the history of sexy escorts can help us better understand our feelings on the subject and how far society has come in a relatively short amount of time. Though they went about it in a very roundabout way, the folks at Sexy Escorts knew what we all know: sexy escorts are fun and should be enjoyed by everyone as often as possible.