Local Escorts may look like an innocent young girl, but as you can see, she is sadistic. Ever since her first boyfriend betrayed her, Local Escorts has been taking out that pain and heartache on every cock she has ever met. Their relentless torture of the male organ is the only way Local Escorts find pleasure. The poor soul tied to the milking bench is Local Escorts’ new friend. She convinces the young man that a joyful and sensual experience will bring them closer together. Wanting to get some attention from this gorgeous teenager, the young man agreed to be handcuffed around his ankles and wrists. She convinced him to wear a leather mask to protect him from her plans.
Once he was strapped correctly to the table, the escorts lady began her torture. She teased his penis with her tiny fingers and hands, making him erect. Then she made him go limp again. The poor guy had to endure this cruel act again and again. Then the young beauty slapped his penis, pinching it between her hands and crushing his penis painfully. His muffled screams were of no use; the local Escorts took complete control and dominated his cock as she wished. To his surprise, the dick was now fully erect and quite large. While the cock was receiving painful slaps and thrusts, she also played with it and admired its girth. The young man’s screams became less. Did he enjoy the torture his cock was receiving? Local Escorts get caught using even more painful techniques! She squeezed the base of his cock, making it swell with trapped blood. Then with her other hand, she gripped the tip of his cock just below the head. Her grip became so tight she thought his cock was going to explode. His screams came back louder and longer than before. He was really in pain now! Local Escorts, here to watch the full video.